How Whidbey Seafoods is Working to Protect Snow Crab Populations and the Future of Our Oceans

Whidbey Seafoods is deeply committed to sustainable fishing practices and the preservation of the ocean's ecosystem. We recognize the urgent need to address the issue of overfishing in the snow crab industry and have taken several measures to promote sustainable fishing practices.

One of the ways we achieve sustainable fishing is through our partnership with the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) at sea observer program, which provides full coverage of our fishing activities. The program involves trained observers who are onboard our vessels and collect comprehensive data on our fishing practices and their impact on the environment.

This data helps us make informed decisions about our fishing practices and ensure that we are minimizing any negative impact on the ecosystem. Additionally, through our collaboration with NMFS, we have access to the latest scientific research on snow crab populations and their habitats, which we use to adjust our fishing practices accordingly.

We also work closely with other fishing companies and industry organizations to develop and promote best practices for sustainable fishing. Our aim is to protect snow crab populations and promote responsible fishing practices across the industry.

At Whidbey Seafoods, we firmly believe that sustainable fishing practices are vital for the long-term health of our oceans and the communities that depend on them. By partnering with NMFS at sea observer program and implementing responsible fishing practices, we hope to ensure the continued thriving of snow crabs and other species for generations to come. For more information on the factors contributing to the decline in snow crab, please refer to our blog.


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